Thursday, December 24, 2009


Guys, I was beset by demons of self-doubt and self-pity for a while. I felt like I had nothing worthwhile to say (not that I really ever do, haha) and that what I did have to say had already been said by other people, but much So I'm sorry to have been gone. I've told those demons where they can put their fears and I'm feeling more cocky about my awesomeness and the need to share that with the world. HOORAY! But not today, because today I have presents to wrap. Instead I'll wish you a Merry Christmas, and leave you with this hilarious video that was forwarded to me.



Kristina P. said...

Merry Christmas, Susan!

Sarah F said...

Never leave us like that again. If you feel like you have nothing to say, you can at least describe your breakfast.