Friday, June 12, 2009


This article about a 43-foot long prehistoric snake is terrifying. Absolutely TERRIFYING.

Not because I think a giant snake is going to pop out of the sewer or drain and eat me (although that idea opens up whole new avenues of fear), but rather because it lends a hint of credibility to all those Anaconda movies.


(Incidentally, have you ever tried saying "horrors" out loud without giggling at what it sounds like? Try it, you know you want to!)


Sarah F said...

It only sounds like that because you're not dropping the "H" as you ought. (And I thought you were a *real* chimney sweep all this time.)

bjohnston said...

The real horror is watching any of those movies. They all make it in the top ten stupidest movies of all time, perhaps even beating out such classics as Buckaroo Bonzai (a movie that has Jeff Goldblum wearing giant, fluffy chaps).

Lisa Sanderson said...

I must concur with Becky whole heartedly. Anaconda was the founding film for our Anaconda list...the list of the worst movies ever made. One of the most classic moments of that film is when Owen Wilson is swallowed by a snake and you can see his face of horror (giggle) through the snake skin... horror (giggle).


Umm - there are FOUR Anaconda films??

susan said...

Oh yes, there are definitely four. And now they have scientific backing for their horrible horrible plots.