So instead, I'm quoting something from a recent Dave Barry article that I received in my email account. Dave Barry didn't actually write it, one of his fans did. But it still remains hilarious and relevant, so here it is:
Like many people, I am troubled by the part of ''Humpty Dumpty'' that goes: ''All the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again.'' Why does it mention horses? Does anybody seriously believe that if a bunch of horses saw a giant egg broken into pieces, their response would be: ''Hey! Let's try to reassemble this!''? Also, in ''Cinderella,'' are we really upposed to believe that the prince -- this guy who danced with Cinderella all night and wants to MARRY her -- believes that the only way he can recognize her is to make her TRY ON A SHOE? As if shoe is some kind of medieval DNA sample? So if Cinderella's foot swells up, the prince is going to ay: "Well, you LOOK exactly like the woman I love, but the shoe never lies!''