Sunday, June 07, 2009

Disney Part I

Obviously when one thinks of movies for kids, no other company can hold a candle to Disney's repository. But are these movies really suitable for young minds? REALLY? I will discuss Disney's deeper darker malice-filled nougat center in multiple parts, because as I was really pondering it (and I mean really pondering as in I have nothing better to do with my time), I realized that the rotten streak is far to wide to discuss in one post without making anyone reading it fall into a boredom-induced coma.

There are of course the tired old accusations of raunchiness that everyone else brings up, like pretty much everything in The Little Mermaid (the phallic castle, the excited priest, etc.) which are admittedly real, if not easy to see. There are also the supposed subliminal messages in The Lion King and Aladdin, but I have yet to actually hear/see those, and so I don't believe in their existence. That's how I roll - if you don't like it find some other blog.

Anyway, while these things could potentially be describe as "evil," you have to strain really really hard to find them, and five year olds aren't going to notice that stuff; so I discount this as only mildly sinister rather than flat out diabolical. No, Disney's first real crime is the image issue.
Mind you, I'm not talking about the ridiculously disproportionate princesses that will give small girls hopes and dreams of beauty that are eventually horribly crushed by biology (and too many French fries). Those girls will assume that they too will have heads bigger than their waists, feet with no visible toes, and enormous blond hair that's always in place; only to realize that being formed like that in real life would be monstrous and horribly wrong....

But again, I'm not talking about alien princesses. I'm talking about the false image Disney gives to squirrels, mice, and other small adorable woodland creatures. LIES! ALL LIES! I speak from the heart and first hand knowledge when I say that rodents are not adorable. They do not help you to do your chores, mend your clothes, take your morning bath, or foil your wicked stepmother. Instead they steal from your food storage, poop in your pots and pans, scare the bejeebus out of you late at night by scurrying across the floor, and have loud raucous parties inside your walls.

I’m not entirely sure what the plan was on Disney’s part, whether they intended to take over the world using a small but vicious army headed by none other than Mein Maus, Herr Mickey himself; or whether they just wanted to undermine the leaders of tomorrow by softening them up towards rodents and making them weak. But whatever the plan was, I hereby lay bare the lie: mice aren’t our friends! BOO ON DISNEY!


Kristina P. said...

This is awesome! Disney is an evil, evil conglomeration.

bjohnston said...

I always wondered about those princesses who let mice cook food--what about hantavirus? I mean the deer are okay, but mice, come on now.

Sarah F said...

Strange. I never noticed Sleeping Beauty's cloven hoof before.

Lisa Sanderson said...

That's one reason that I really love Enchanted with its nasty cockroach "helpers". Disney does indeed brain wash. Holly and I once found a nest of baby mice at the cabin in one of Grandma's hand quilted bedspreads. Grandma of course wanted them killed, but Holly and I begged her to spare the poor sweet mice lives. We set up a trap to catch the mother so we could have all of the mice. We got bored waiting for her so we wandered off. When we returned...all the mice were gone. I'm sure her D Con got those mice sooner or later. Why Disney would do this...perhaps only Disney knows.

Lisa Sanderson said...

According to Dr. Hibbert (from the Simpsons) there are people that have the "evil gene."

And I quote:

"Adolf Hitler had it, Walt Disney had it and Freddy Quimby has it."
