Monday, August 18, 2008

Fastest man in the world - huh, more like fastest apple thrower!

I'm not too much of a sports freak, I much prefer sleeping (hence my bio picture). So I haven't been following the Olympics these past few weeks. If anything, they annoy me late at night when I want to find ridiculous trash movies to watch, but can't because the speed walking competition is on (for reals!) or synchronized swimming chicks are flipping their fins (although I did actually watch that for a while, that takes some crazy leg muscle!). My mom is the same; we have better things to watch by golly. So I was surprised when she called me last night with some very exciting Olympics related news.

Apparently, the fastest man in the world is Tyson Gay. Sadly, he was not able to compete in the Olympics this year, despite everyone thinking he was a shoe-in for gold. Apparently he pulled a hamstring, or some such nonsense, and didn't make the cut. At any rate, there are still little blurbs about him being run during the Olympics, and Mom just happened to see one. She immediately recognized him as a resident of my hometown. Not only that, but a former student of hers. Not only that, but apparently a former mortal enemy of mine!

So this is the story straight from my mom's lips, mainly because I have no memory of this at all. One day she was called to the principle's office to find me sobbing hysterically after having been hit in the head with a rotten apple during lunch. Tenderly she hugged me and sent me home to clean up. Later that afternoon, a group of students came into her classroom laughing about the little white girl they pelted with an apple, to which my mother coldly said, "That was my daughter, gentlemen." And who was the leader of this gang? Who was the mastermind behind Applegate? None other than the fastest man in the world, Tyson Gay!

So even though I have no memory of the incident (something that I'm very curious about - why don't I remember this? I guess that apple hit harder than we thought), I felt that it was incumbent upon me to record it for posterity. Okay, really it's for bragging rights. One of the greatest athletes of this century pegged *me* with an apple, what have you got?


david said...

I remember this day. I remember this day of infamy. I remember it well.

Judy said...

dude, that's hilarious. here's my story:

Judy said...
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Anonymous said...

What was the comment you deleted? I MUST know.

susan said...

I don't remember! Oh yeah, it was because someone posted their email/telephone info and I published it. Then I was afraid someone else might steal it so I deleted it again.