Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gasoline induced stupidity

Okay, so I've never pretended to be good at math. I always just scratched by with the help of a tutor. But I thought I had mastered the skill of addition. Until today, that is.

Thanks to gasoline prices being SO RIDICULOUSLY HIGH, I've been coasting on fumes for as long as I could. Finally, the prices went down to $3.99 per gallon(!!omg!!). I went into the gas station to buy a coke, and saw a sign that said if I were to pay in cash, I could get the gas for 10 whole cents cheaper. WOO HOO! So I withdrew 20 bucks, paid for the whole shebang, and went out to pump.

I was standing there, feeling so smug about my awesome money saving skills, when it slowly dawned on me: $20 bought me 5 gallons of gas. At 10 cents less a gallon, I saved 50 cents. But since it cost me $1.50 to withdraw the cash in the first place, I actually LOST one whole dollar!

So there you have it. My desperation at the horrific hole gas money is leaving in my pocket cost me $1 in cash, and a fortune in personal pride. I guess it's back to paying at the pump for me!

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