Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What dreams may come...

So I know where babies come from (the stork), where donuts come from (heaven), and even where Jell-O comes from (cow hooves). But where do dreams come from? I really need to know this, guys, because mine are starting to trip me out.

For instance, what was up with that dream where Christian Bale needed me to shave his beard? REALLY?? I can't imagine what I was watching that inspired that. I had to make home-made shaving cream and use a straight razor too, like from pioneer days. Seems like a mixture of Sweeny Todd and 3:10 to Yuma.

Except I've never seen one of those movies and it's been a while for the other, so... yeah. And that was one of my more tame dreams!

This is why I need to know where dreams come from: I have a letter of complaint to issue. If Christian Bale *must* appear in my dreams, do I have to be his barber? LAME. This dream couldn't have come from my imagination, because I could think of waaaaay better things to do with Christian Bale.

I was talking about riding a tandem bike, jeez you guys are dirty!


Kristina P. said...

We had a Christian Bale movie hotness conversation at work, of course, andhe is definitely hot in this movie.

Not hot? The Machinist. Yikes!

bjohnston said...

I don't actually ever make my kids jello. It seems like such little pay off for hours of preparation. Now I can give them the old "horse hooves" excuse.

Maybe your dreams are telling you something, like you should consider cosmetology as a career path. Or maybe you just like the Bruce Wayve, clean shaven, Christian Bale over the more rugged 3:10 to Yuma Bale. But you know the saying, all Bale is good Bale (well, it should be a saying anyway).