Thursday, August 06, 2009

I'm back!

Hooray I'm back guys. We have computers again, and not just an obnoxious laptop whose tiny keys foil my pudgy fingers every time. Even better, we have the computer I always use back up and running, which means that I can access all the special images I pepper my posts with. Oh life is good.

These past few weeks I've solaced my soul by writing many mental posts about how boring Harry Potter and the Movie that Never Ended was, about how horrible I find flies which almost excuses the existence of spiders, and about the possibility that Tim Burton is just getting weirder and weirder in an attempt to see how far he can push humanity. But since I didn't take notes after composing those brilliant pieces in my head, I don't really remember what I said and so I possibly won't actually put them on the old blog. Too bad that you can't all read my fabulous mind! Or maybe this is a good thing as it will save you from yet another whiny post about the money I've wasted on this summer's floppers. Plus, other than the people who were actually at the theater with me, I'm apparently the only person alive who didn't like the new Harry movie, so my post would have been irrelevant anyway.

Instead, I will simply have to come up with new subjects. Feel free to suggest things you'd like to hear my take on. I will be posting more about Disney (a never ending well of darkness), suspected vampires, and whatever else catches my fancy. It's gonna rock!


Kristina P. said...

Honestly, the only reason I've even seen the Harry Potter movies was because of my husband. This one was rather boring.

Glad you're back!

Sarah F said...

Find another pampered socialite friend and have your own "The Simple Life" in Idaho. That should make for some good blogging.

Lisa Sanderson said...

I think you should write about the possible conspiracy existing between Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter which is popularly known as "The Triad".