Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So I have a new show that I'm watching for the man candy (I tried to find a picture, but it's still too new for rabid fangirls and boys to be posting them). That show, Crusoe, is kind of silly, but I'll give it time. Anyway, in reading about the show I found a link to this news tidbit:

An Italian couple have been forced to change the name of their son from Friday - Venerdi - to Gregorino.

The Cassation Court ordered the couple, known as Mara O and Roberto G, to rename their son after the saint's day on which he was born to save him from bullying.

The boy's name, taken from the Daniel Defoe novel Robinson Crusoe, is "likely to limit social interaction and create insecurity", said matrimonial lawyer Gian Ettore Gassani.

Journalist Alain Elkann objected to the ruling, saying: "It would have been different if they'd called him Friday the 13th."

The couple have insisted that they will continue to refer to their son by his given name and have proposed calling their next child Mercoledi (Wednesday).
Now someone just needs to get on the horn to Utah judges to stop the name madness that's going on here!


Kristina P. said...

Wait, is this a soap opera?!?!

susan said...

Crusoe is not a Soap Opera. There aren't enough dramatic overdressed women. Just two hot guys and one deserted island. Oh, and a dog!

susan said...

And yes, I capitalized "Soap Opera" but it totally wasn't because lately I've been over-capitalizing, um, it was because soaps are so hyperbolic they deserve upper cases. Yeah, that's right.

Judy said...

venerdi. that's as good as emer!