My mind plays a very strange trick on me that's getting more and more noticeable every year. When I watch a movie or TV show (something I rarely do) and the main characters are in their early-to-mid 30s they seem so young and vibrant. It seems like the prime of life! But whenever I tell people my age (which is not yet in the early-to-midarly 30s range) I suddenly feel haggard, hoary* and hag-like (alliteration - get on that train!). Especially when said people are like 23 and I realize that they were still in middle school my freshman year of college. When I tell them my age they get this look on their faces as though all of the sudden wrinkles are going to explode forth from my face to smother them in ancientness.
I know logically in a tiny part of my brain that I am a spring chicken; a wealth of youth and vigor or something. I'm not even as old as those people in movies/TV who are depicted as being the *it* age. So how can I overcome this worry and paranoia that makes me want to be a cliche and start lying about my age?
*Okay, this is not normally a word I use but promised me it was legit.
Just know that you're always *it* and you can confidently stare down those whippersnappers with disdain.
take drugs. that seems to work for the tv/movie crowd... for a while, anyway. (the captcha for this comment was "numbagon" I think I have that on my feet)
Hey Susan! Just found your blog. You mind if I stalk you every now and then? I love all your musings and would definitely pay to see it in book form. Let me know when you're published!
PS - Enjoyed a wonderful evening with your Madre a few nights ago. You can check out my blog for a cute pic. Thanks for sharing her!
Wonder what they think when the talk to a REALLY old person...(I'm 57)
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