Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weather update

The fog and snow have found me again, despite my brilliant plan to relocate from Provo, UT to Pocatello, ID (city motto: You don't plow the streets, so why should we?). For the past three days our home has regularly been the center of what appears to be a jug of skim milk. My father claims we're living in a snow globe, but I know the truth: some fickle god of weather has it out for me. Come fog or snow, one way or other I'm going in a ditch.

So if I don't write for a while, look for me in a coyote den in the Idaho mountains where I'll have been taken and adopted as one of the tribe.


Kristina P. said...

There's still fog in Provo?

Janell said...

The graphic brings it all home.

MBK said...

Look out for the coyotes!