Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Being that this is a more *serious* post (said with a stern frown), there will be no links in it. Just in case you were wondering, since I am the queen of linkage.

Anyway, I felt that I should express my feeling about this most recent presidential election, since it has been such a hot one what with anti-republican sentiment, the whole economical sitch, Obama being black (*gasp!*), Palin being both a woman (*double gasp!*) and a former beauty pageant contestant, etc. First I'll say that I didn't vote. I haven't been able to bring myself to vote yet since I haven't ever been motivated by enough a) belief in one candidate or b) hatred for one candidate. Now I know this is a cardinal sin for many people, but I respect your desire/right *to* vote, so please respect mine to not vote.

Anyway, I felt equally unsure about both candidates, who had lots of neat promises and interesting things to say. In the time that I've been old enough to pay attention to politics, I've noticed that politicians say whatever the hell they want without a lot of meaning behind the words, and they all make neat promises and say interesting things. The phrases "No new taxes," "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," and "Weapons of mass destruction!" all come to mind.

So in the end I'm hopeful about Obama, but pessimistically so. It would be nice if he could deliver what he's promised, but I'm not holding my breath. I kind of think either candidate could have won and we'd be about the same four years from now, and 100 years from now no one would even care.

There you have it. Feel free to judge me, just please be kind when you slaughter me!


Kristina P. said...

No slaughtering from me!

I do believe strongly in every person voting. But, you don't have to vote Democrat or Republican. I can't remember the last presidential election where I did. I almost always vote 3rd party.

Some people say that's throwing away my vote, but I don't think so. At least I am voting for someone I can get behind.

Judy said...

i voted mccain because i just couldn't see voting for (or not voting against) someone that's for partial-birth abortions.

as for the whole campaign promises thing, they never live up to them. it's like a bad joke. there's no way (current economic sitch or no) our country can afford all the tax cuts obama promised.

i wish someone good would run. ron paul was awesome...meh.