Saturday, December 06, 2008

Reading is fun!

Oops, I forgot last week. But don't think I wasn't readin' or nuthin. I just forgot.

Anyway, this is another Terry Pratchett book (that guy's srsly awesome, dudz) entitled Jingo.
Colon had always thought that heroes had some special kind of clockwork that made them go out and die famously for god, country and apple pie, or whatever particular delicacy their mother made. It had never occurred to him that they might do it because they'd get yelled at if they didn't.
And isn't that really what motivates us all; the fear of getting yelled at? I submit that it is. And if you disagree, I might yell at you.


Kristina P. said...

I will pick agreeing with you. Wait, is this what motivated Jack Bauer?

susan said...

No, it's what motivated everyone around Jack though. He's one scary mo-fo!